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If you’ve been wondering why it’s so hard to get answers about what’s really going on with your health...
If you’ve been frustrated...disappointed...or fed up with the mainstream medical system, this exclusive event is for you.
Join me Thursday as I take on the establishment and reveal one of modern medicine’s BIGGEST FAILURES...and show you how to take back control of your health.
The mainstream has been shrugging off “mystery symptoms” for far too long...and leaving patients without the tools to decode the hidden “warning signs” our bodies give us.
I have so much to share with you, including:
1 question to ask your doctor NOW that could help you live LONGER
The truth about modern cancer screenings that I guarantee will surprise you
“Unexplained” symptoms? Start get to the root cause of your fatigue, joint aches, poor sleep, brain fog, digestive problems, and just feeling “off.”
1 heart attack signal you should NEVER ignore...and why it is going overlooked
Powerful steps you can take to reduce your risk of today’s most feared diseases, including Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
And much more
It’s time to stop relying on what’s “standard” in mainstream medicine...and start doing what’s optimal for you.
This will be the very first time I'll be discussing critical details on the body’s hidden “warning signs” in a special summit broadcast like this. Don’t miss it!
See you Thursday.
Fred Pescatore, M.D.
YOUR VOICE: How would your life change if you could decode your body’s “warning signs” and get real answers about your health?
About Dr. Fred Pescatore:

Fred Pescatore, MD, is one of the most sought-after natural physicians in the country, specializing in making you feel like the best version of you! And in his exclusive clinic in midtown Manhattan, Dr. Pescatore has been using all-natural treatments for his cancer patients with tremendous success for decades.
You may have already met Dr. Pescatore on Good Morning America, The O’Reilly Factor, Rachael Ray, The Today Show, Extra, The View, and many more – sharing the latest breakthroughs in integrative and nutritional medicine. And for his expertise in cancer treatments specifically, he’s been interviewed and asked to be the keynote speaker on the subject many times.
Dr. Pescatore is the author of the New York Times best-selling book, The Hamptons Diet and the No. 1 best-selling children’s health book, Feed Your Kids Well, amongst others. Dr. Pescatore’s other books include: The A-List Diet, Thin For Good, The Allergy and Asthma Cure, The Hamptons Diet Cookbook and Boost Your Health with Bacteria.
Dr. Pescatore has his finger on the pulse of natural medicine’s most cutting-edge cures. As a result, everyone from normal hardworking Americans to international royalty are traveling hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of miles to visit at his renowned clinic in New York City.
He’s spent over 3 decades studying, researching and practicing medicine around the world alongside some of today’s most well respected physicians.
Through his non-stop research and unique medical connections across the globe he hears about the most groundbreaking natural discoveries and healing techniques as they happen…sometimes decades before they trickle out to the mainstream.
Dr. Pescatore has spoken on hundreds of radio shows across America. And for years, he was heard daily as the host of the No. 1 health radio show in New York City called, The Logical Alternative. He is currently on the editorial board of Us Weekly magazine and is a regular contributor to In Touch, First for Women and Women’s World magazines.
With over 30 years of knowledge in his back pocket, Dr. Pescatore is putting the research, techniques, and in-depth healing protocols right in your hands–and not in clunky medical textbook fashion. Dr. Pescatore makes good health easy to understand and attainable for any age, at any fitness level. His natural approach to healing confronts the modern day cure-all obsession for drugs and surgery that come with countless side effects. And it’s not just his patients that are reaping the benefits. Dr. Pescatore features it all in one of the most exclusive health newsletters available, Logical Health Alternatives. A direct pipeline to one of the most respected minds in natural medicine, written by Dr. Pescatore himself. These cutting-edge cures and simple healing miracles are also shared daily with his loyal readers in his free e-letter Reality Health Check.
Behind all the glitz and glamour, Dr. Pescatore is also deeply involved in the philanthropic community, devoting time to working in hospitals in Tanzania, as well as helping to support local organizations for the youth in this country. If he’s not lecturing across America or head deep in clinical research, he often travels around the world lecturing in such exotic locales as India and Japan – usually returning with new medical techniques to share with his patients.
After graduating medical school at Columbia University, Dr. Pescatore studied in Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Africa, and Europe. The techniques he gathered have become part of his broad knowledge of healing.
His passion for traveling and education has given Dr. Pescatore vast opportunity to research and create some of the best nutritional supplements available today. Coming out with his own line in 2012, NuLogic Nutritionals, Dr. Pescatore has had hands-on experience formulating only the highest quality ingredients derived from ideal climates around the world.
Because of the respect Dr. Pescatore has earned in the nutritional supplement industry, he is a consultant for many firms and has been instrumental in developing and clinically testing many of the leading nutritional products. He is the former President of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists, a member of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, and belongs to many other professional organizations.
Prior to opening his own practice, for five years, Dr. Pescatore was the Associate Medical Director of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine working as the right-hand-man to the late, great Dr. Robert C. Atkins